Antisocial Personality Disorder: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

The essential feature of Antisocial Personality Disorder is a pattern of behavior that violates the rights of others and basic social rules

Individuals with antisocial disorder have chaotic behavior and are poorly attuned to societal demands

They are frequently dishonest and manipulative for personal gain or pleasure.

Decisions are made on the spur of the moment, without consideration of the consequences for self and others.

Faced with their own antisocial behavior, those with antisocial personality disorder may minimize harmful consequences or simply show complete indifference; they generally do not feel guilt.

Their view of the world is therefore personal rather than interpersonal.

Individuals with antisocial disorder cannot consider another’s point of view in the same way as their own and therefore cannot put themselves in another’s shoes.

They tend to display irritable and aggressive behavior towards others and to be cynical and contemptuous of the feelings and suffering of others.

These individuals with antisocial personality disorder also exhibit behaviors that are unsafe for their personal health

They may engage in unprotected sexual behavior, drug use, or reckless driving behavior (recurring speeding, driving while intoxicated).

Individuals with antisocial personality disorder view their problems as the result of other people’s inability to accept them or others’ desire to limit their freedom.

A large part of the people who flock to drug addiction communities and prisons are affected by a similar antisocial personality disorder (the so-called dual diagnosis), which unfortunately has a very poor prognosis, since awareness of the disease is generally absent and the possibilities for treatment both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic are almost nil, also because they do not recognize the need for them.

If there is motivation for treatment, patients with antisocial disorder can derive some benefit from a medium-long term cognitive behavioral type psychotherapeutic treatment, which can help them develop empathy and better understand the mind of the other, as well as regulate their impulses.

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