Blood tests: what is blood glucose?

Blood glucose indicates the amount of glucose present in the blood, this sugar is a fundamental energy resource for our body

Blood sugar levels depend on the glucose introduced into the body through diet, hormonal regulation and body reserve.

The balance in the concentration of glucose in the blood is entrusted to two hormones: glucagon and insulin.

Why measure blood glucose?

This test allows you to check your blood glucose levels and check if you have hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) or hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels).

Blood glucose measurement can be important in diagnosing diabetes.

Are there rules of preparation?

The sampling is usually done in the morning.

Your doctor will suggest whether you need to fast.

Is it dangerous or painful?

The exam is neither dangerous nor painful.

The patient can feel the sting as the needle enters the arm.

Blood glucose, how does the test work?

The test is performed with a simple blood sample.

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