Breakthrough in the fight against lung cancer: new treatment offers hope

Lorlatinib, a new lung cancer drug. Recorded an 81% reduction in the risk of progression and death

A breakthrough drug, lorlatinib, is proving to be a powerful weapon against lung cancer. In particular, it is revolutionizing the treatment of a particularly aggressive form of this cancer characterized by a specific genetic mutation, ALK. This mainly affects nonsmokers and younger patients.

Surprising results

The results of the international clinical trial were nothing short of astonishing. Lung cancer patients with ALK mutation treated with lorlatinib showed improved survival without disease progression. The improvement was 60% at five years. This figure is absolutely outstanding when compared with the 8% achieved with conventional treatments. In practice, nearly two out of three patients remained alive and without disease worsening for as long as five years.

How does Lorlatinib act?

Lorlatinib works by inhibiting a specific protein that, when mutated, contributes to cancer cell growth. Simply put, the drug blocks the mechanism that fuels the tumor. It has also been shown to be particularly effective in preventing the spread of the tumor to the brain, a very common and dangerous complication in this type of patient. Brain metastasis is a frequent and dangerous complication in patients with ALK-positive lung cancer, but Lorlatinib has been shown to be highly effective in counteracting this process. As Professor Filippo de Marinis, director of the Division of Thoracic Oncology at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), points out, “At five years, 92 percent of patients treated with Lorlatinib have not yet progressed to that level, compared to 20 percent of patients treated with Crizotinib.”

Hope for younger, non-smoking patients

Why is this finding so important? ALK-positive lung cancer is a rare but very aggressive form that predominantly affects young, nonsmoking people, a profile that differentiates it from more common forms of lung cancer. Until recently, treatment options for these patients have been limited and the results often disappointing. Lorlatinib thus represents a real revolution, offering new hope to thousands of patients worldwide.

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