Diabetes: growing concern for Italian public health

The Persistent Rise of Diabetes in Italy

The Constant Increase in Diabetes in Italy

Diabetes is a disease that is gaining ground in Italy, affecting over 4 million people. What is concerning is the fact that its prevalence is closely related to age. While it affects less than 5% of the population before the age of 50, this percentage rapidly increases with age, reaching a peak of 23% around the age of 80. These data highlight the growing challenge that diabetes poses to public health.

Regional Disparities and Problematic Lifestyles

In addition to the increasing incidence, diabetes shows significant disparities among different Italian regions. Among those over 65, the prevalence is 25% in the South and Islands, compared to 15% in the North and 18% in the Central regions of the country. But what is equally alarming is the limited impact of a diabetes diagnosis on people’s lifestyles. For example, 25% of patients aged 18 to 64 who receive a diabetes diagnosis continue to smoke, while 11% consume alcohol in quantities and patterns harmful to their health. Furthermore, 45% remain entirely sedentary, and 91% do not adhere to international guidelines regarding the consumption of five daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

The Influence of Social Context on Diabetes Risk

The risk of developing diabetes in Italy is strongly influenced by individuals’ social and economic status. Individuals with lower levels of education and greater economic difficulties have up to twice the likelihood of contracting the disease compared to more affluent categories. This disparity is particularly evident in different age groups, with significantly different diabetes rates between social classes.

The Need for Targeted Interventions

The diabetes landscape in Italy is complex and requires targeted interventions to address both its increasing prevalence and socio-economic inequalities. Education promoting healthy lifestyles, targeted prevention initiatives, and universal access to adequate healthcare are crucial steps to effectively address this public health challenge. It is crucial to act now to reverse the rising trend of diabetes and promote the health of all Italian citizens.


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