Eco anxiety or climate anxiety: what it is and how to recognize it

Eco anxiety or climate anxiety in the scientific literature indicates the concern, fear or chronic anxiety related to the environmental fate of the planet due to severe climatic events

In younger people and those more sensitive to global warming, climate change, increased incidence of natural disasters, deforestation, sea level rise, and extreme weather events, climate anxiety can manifest itself with specific symptoms of distress .

Eco anxiety: the common symptoms

Anxiety and fear about climate change affect the emotional and psychological well-being of many people.

Some factors seem to expose more to the symptoms of eco-anxiety, such as:

  • young age
  • extensive media exposure
  • active commitment to the environmental crisis
  • work in the field of environmental sustainability

It is important to specify that each person has a personal way of expressing anxiety and fear, but in general we recognize common symptoms such as:

  • nervousness and anxiety related to the impact of one’s behavior on the environment, one’s responsibility to help address environmental issues, news about the climate and climate change;
  • anxiety attacks when dealing with environmental issues, difficulty not thinking about the problems associated with climate change, as well as being unable to stop or control environmental concerns;
  • making radical decisions about your life, such as not having children because it may not be ethical or sustainable for the planet’s available resources;
  • difficulty living serenely in social situations with family and friends, difficulty concentrating at work and/or study, difficulty sleeping
  • solastalgia, a state characterized by feelings of nostalgia, a sense of loss, anxiety, sleep disturbances, stress, pain, depression, suicidal thoughts and aggression. Solastalgia can usually be experienced when one’s home or immediate environment is destroyed by sudden natural events.

The effects of extreme climatic events on mental well-being

In the case of natural disasters (which may or may not be due to extreme weather events caused by global warming), the mental health consequences of both those directly affected and those exposed to the news but already suffering from anxiety or depression disorders can last over time and manifest with symptoms of anxiety and even post-traumatic stress.

Dramatic events such as losing your home, business, possessions and memories, or the lives of loved ones, have a dramatic impact on the psyche.

There is research by the Union of Concerned Scientists (2010) which estimates that between 25 and 50% of people who have suffered the consequences of weather disasters suffer mental health effects; according to the American Psychological Association (APA), survivors of natural disasters also experience a marked increase in depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and suicide.

Eco anxiety, there is no denying that global warming has an impact on mental health and well-being

The increase in temperatures is closely related to a greater number of anxiety and panic attacks, particularly in people who already suffer from them, perhaps in the summer.

These are symptoms that, in people who have economic problems, or have less financial security due to the increase in temperatures (see for example farmers, breeders, fishermen who depend on the land and the sea) increase, to the point of developing feelings of desperation.

What to do in case of echo anxiety?

A healthy eco-anxiety helps not to remain indifferent to the conditions of our planet.

However, if the anxiety symptoms associated with environmental issues come to paralyze a person’s life or become an obsession that totally absorbs time and energy, it is essential to talk about it with family or friends, reduce exposure to the media during the day and consult a psychiatrist/psychologist.

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