Energy drinks in focus for heart risks

Recent study suggests link between energy drink consumption and sudden cardiac arrest

Energy drinks, so loved by young people, have been under the magnifying glass of cardiologists. A recent study, published in the journal Heart Rhythm, suggests a possible link between drinking these drinks and sudden cardiac arrest, especially in young adults.
Mayo Clinic researchers analysed the cases of 144 people who survived a heart attack and found that one in 20 had consumed an energy drink just before the event. The average age of these patients was only 29 years.

Why are energy drinks so dangerous?

Energy drinks are full of stimulants, such as caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone, which can have adverse effects on the heart, especially when consumed in large quantities or in combination with other risk factors.

  • Caffeine: Increases heart rate and can cause arrhythmias, or alterations in the heart rhythm
  • Taurine: Although it is an amino acid naturally present in the body, in high concentrations it could affect heart function
  • Glucuronolactone: This carbohydrate, present in high quantities in energy drinks, may have yet to be known effects on cardiovascular health.

A lethal mix?

The researchers point out that the consumption of energy drinks is not the only cause of sudden cardiac arrest, but could be a trigger in predisposed subjects. Other risk factors include heart disease, sleep deprivation, alcohol and drug use.

What do the experts say?

Cardiologists urge caution, especially in young people and adolescents, who are the main consumers of energy drinks. It is important to remember that:

  • Energy drinks are not harmless: they contain stimulants that can have side effects
  • Overconsumption is dangerous: Drinking more than one can a day may increase the risk of heart problems
  • Combining with other substances can be fatal: Alcohol, sports and other drugs can amplify the negative effects of energy drinks

Knowing the risks is the best way to protect yourself

Energy drinks can be tempting, but it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with their consumption. A proper lifestyle, balanced diet and regular physical activity are the best allies for heart health.

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