Fakes that are close to our hearts: heart disease and false myths
There are many myths about heart disease. Let’s see some of them together
It is not true, for example, that heart disease only affects men: about a third affects women (even if the figure is subject to a certain regionalization).
Diseases of the circulatory system are in first place in the ranking of causes of mortality for women, while they are in second place for men.
The symptoms of a heart attack can vary in men and women, which is why it is essential to know how to recognize the signs that identify it; no less important is to follow a correct lifestyle, both in terms of food and for carrying out physical activities, up to keeping stress levels low.
Myths related to age
It is not true that heart disease occurs only in older people, but it is true that the risk of having heart problems increases with advancing age.
Some heart problems are congenital, and being present from birth it is possible to diagnose them immediately, but they could also be identified in adulthood when the first symptoms appear.
Other diseases, such as: cardiomyopathies, heart valve problems and heart rhythm disturbances, can affect anyone regardless of age.
It must be said that the choices made at a young age, such as physical activity, proper nutrition and smoking, will have repercussions on the heart over the years.
It is also not to be underestimated to undergo regular check-ups.
It is also false to believe that heart disease has symptoms, and therefore if the latter do not appear, it means that you are not suffering from heart disease.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol, risk factors for heart disease, are asymptomatic.
We often realize we suffer from it when events that could pose a risk to life, such as a heart attack and stroke, are triggered.
Also in this case, it will be essential to undergo medical check-ups in order to check that the values are within the norm.
On the contrary, treatments aimed at keeping blood pressure and cholesterol under control must be followed in order to reduce risk factors.
Diabetes is also a risk factor for heart disease and should be kept under control by following a healthy lifestyle.
People with diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure and be overweight.
Assuming that fatigue and breathlessness are normal with advancing age is wrong
While it is true that the body changes with age, it will be advisable to consult a doctor if you have symptoms such as: chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, swelling of the lower limbs and pain in the legs when walking or you climb stairs, rapid weight gain.
These symptoms may be signs of heart or blood vessel problems that are more easily treated if caught early.
False myths related to the familiarity of heart disease
It is wrong to assume that having a family history of heart disease, it is impossible to avoid it.
Prevention and periodic checks are essential for monitoring one’s risk factors in order to promptly identify any problems.
Again, the importance of following healthy lifestyles should not be overlooked.
It is incorrect to think that feeling well is the same as not having heart disease.
Regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of heart disease, but heart disease could still develop.
There are inherited conditions like cholesterol and heart muscle disease that could pose a risk no matter how you feel.
Sleep apnea causes breathing stops during the night, affecting the depth and quality of sleep.
If breathing stops, there will be a lack of oxygen in the body.
Blood pressure and heart rate increase; repeated lack of oxygen could damage the heart.
Training by lifting heavy weights while holding your breath puts a strain on your heart.
However, moderate strength training is beneficial as it increases muscle strength and endurance.
In addition, a medium intensity relieves the heart muscle and reduces blood pressure.
Patients with heart disease should discuss the recommended type of training with their doctor.
Several diseases can cause dementia
These also include vascular diseases that are at the origin of the so-called vascular dementia.
Atherosclerosis, a pathological alteration of the arteries, can cause this form of dementia.
The brain will not get enough blood supply and this will lead to the death of brain cells.
Heart failure and atrial fibrillation also increase the risk of vascular dementia.
The reduced cardiac function will cause alteration of the cerebral blood supply.
It is believed that regularly consuming coffee is not harmful to health.
Some studies have shown that coffee reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease but the mechanism of action of coffee on the body is not entirely clear.
Diving into cold water is risky for healthy patients; the sudden change in temperature will subject the body to a high effort which will lead to a dizzying increase in blood pressure.
For those with heart disease, this thermal shock could prove fatal.
At one time, cell phones could pose a danger to pacemakers; today the latter have better shielding against radiation and therefore cell phones are no longer a problem.
Regularly undergoing medical check-ups and following correct lifestyles are important for the prevention of heart disease and for health in general.
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