False myths about presbyopia: let's clear the air
The most bizarre theories circulate around eye problems, including presbyopia. We shed light on the most common questions
Certain factors predispose to presbyopia
FALSE. There are no predisposing factors. The pathology, in fact, is a physiological phenomenon that represents the natural evolution of the eye over the years and which, for this reason, everyone manifests roughly after the age of 40.
Presbyopia progresses early and continuously
FALSE. Presbyopia is a phenomenon that progresses gradually from the age of 40 to 60 and then finally stabilises around the age of 65.
Some medications prevent its occurrence
FALSE. Presbyopia cannot be treated with drugs, either preventively or once the symptoms have been confirmed.
With presbyopia it is possible to read and perform manual activities without glasses
FALSE. It often happens, out of laziness but above all for aesthetic reasons, that people do not wear glasses even if the ophthalmologist has recommended it.
This is a serious mistake because doing without them puts an enormous strain on the eye and does not allow clear vision.
Nearsighted people do not become farsighted
FALSE. Even nearsighted people after the age of 40 will become farsighted.
Nearsightedness, which limits distance vision but allows near vision without accommodation, only allows the myopic presbyope to avoid reading glasses at the onset of the first signs of the condition.
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