Fibromyalgia: symptoms and treatment of chronic pain

Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and other symptoms affecting many organs and systems

Until a few years ago, the diagnosis was made only in the presence of widespread musculoskeletal pain for at least 3 months and at least 11 elective areas of tenderness.

More recently, extra-skeletal symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, fatigability, ideation and/or memory problems, have been given more prominence.

The term fibromyalgia derives from the Latin fibra (fiber) and the Greek myo (muscle) combined with algos (pain) and indicates a condition of pain that mainly affects the muscles and their tendon insertions, ligaments and periarticular tissues.

In addition to pain, fibromyalgia patients report intense tiredness and fatigue, together with varied symptoms, which can therefore differ greatly from subject to subject.

Fibromyalgia symptoms

Fibromyalgia syndrome is mainly manifested by the following sensations:

  • Hyperalgesia, i.e. perception of very intense muscle pain even with respect to mild painful stimuli (e.g. tight-fitting clothes). The pain, depending on the case, can be localized or spread throughout the body.
  • Generalized or localized stiffness in the back or lumbar region, especially upon waking, or after being still in the same position (sitting or standing) for a long time.
  • Tiredness and fatigue even for minimal efforts with reduced resistance to fatigue. A kind of tiredness that recalls that normally reported during the flu or in cases of lack of sleep.
  • Sleep disturbances: the muscles, in continuous tension, do not allow us to rest adequately. There are frequent nocturnal awakenings. Deep sleep (NREM stages 3 and 4) is disturbed and sleep is not restful. As a result, the patient wakes up feeling fatigued as if he had not slept at all.

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