First aid guide for the Heimlich manoeuvre
The Heimlich manoeuvre is a rapid first aid procedure used to treat choking and other cases of upper airway obstruction. The technique involves abdominal and thoracic thrusts and back blows if the situation requires it
Suffocation and the Heimlich manoeuvre
Choking is an obstruction of the upper airway usually caused by food, drink or other foreign objects, which prevents a person from breathing normally.
Airway obstruction prevents air from reaching the lungs and can cause death.
A first aid procedure known as the ‘Heimlich Manoeuvre’ is one of the effective ways to help a choking person.
Also known as abdominal thrust, this technique was first introduced by American thoracic surgeon Henry Heimlich.
It is a well-known procedure that aims to help a person who is choking by performing quick, rapid thrusts on the abdomen.
These movements raise the person’s diaphragm and expel air from the lungs, causing the blockage to be expelled.
Read on to discover the basics of performing the Heimlich manoeuvre on choking victims.
How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre
The steps for performing this technique depend on the casualty, whether it is an infant, a pregnant woman or even oneself.
Heimlich Maneuver in an Infant
Follow these steps when treating a choking infant (younger than 1-year-old).
Start by sitting down and holding the infant face down on your forearm. Once in the right position, give five back blows gently using the heel of your hand.
If the initial technique does not work, position the infant face up, ensuring their head is lower than their trunk. Place two fingers at the centre of the baby’s breastbone and perform five quick chest compressions.
Repeat cycle of chest thrusts and back blows until the object is expelled and the infant can breathe or cough normally again.
Heimlich Maneuver in a Pregnant Woman
Performing this technique on a pregnant woman is slightly different than on a normal adult.
Start by placing your hand a little higher on the torso, just around the base of the breastbone. If the woman is unconscious, carefully place them on their back and clear the airway using a finger-sweeping position.
If the initial try did not dislodge the object, begin performing CPR safe for pregnant women.
Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself
It is important to follow these steps if you are alone and starts experiencing signs of choking.
First, make a fist and place it just above the navel, with the thumb on the side. Grab the fist using the other hand and push it inward and upward simultaneously. Then, perform five of these abdominal thrusts.
Repeat the steps until the object is expelled, and you can start breathing and coughing on your own.
Another way to expel any blockage is to thrust the upper abdomen into a piece of hard-edge furniture. The best example would be a counter, table counter, or even the back of a chair.
Regardless of whether you perform the Heimlich maneuver on an infant, pregnant woman, or yourself, it is still recommended to seek medical help afterwards.
Getting professional help ensures no serious physical damage to the throat and the airways.
Many will find themselves in a situation where we are the first life of defence when treating dangerous and deadly situations.
Choking occurs when a person cannot speak, cough, or breathe normally, resulting in airway obstruction, loss of consciousness, and death.
When performing abdominal thrusts, be careful not to exert too much force to avoid damage to the rib and other vital organs.
Only use this technique on an unconscious casualty if the back blows fail to relieve the obstruction.
If the person has lost consciousness, use chest compressions instead.
Understanding the basics of first aid could save the lives of others in danger.
Knowing the Heimlich maneuver could boost your confidence to step in and become an everyday hero.
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