Identifying and creating of protocols for medical emergencies: the essential handbook
Medical emergencies can be terrifying, especially if you’re not prepared. Knowing when emergency medical care is needed and having a protocol for medical emergencies is key to mitigating an emergency
Having clear ideas on what to do not only speeds up response times: it drastically reduces the state of anxiety that the situation can generate.
If you are emotional people, or if they are members of your family, proceeding without hesitation can calm your spirits before that stress leads to rash and dangerous choices.
Therefore, it is essential to anticipate medical emergencies and know what to do when they occur.
Identify medical emergencies at home
Once again, knowing what constitutes a medical emergency offers options for healthcare professionals: knowing how to describe the situation and having an idea to generate on the protocols will improve dialogue with the Operations Center operator and make your first aid intervention more effective.
When the rescuers arrive, the clinical picture they encounter will be less complicated to deal with.
These are some of the more common medical emergencies that require emergency care:
- Uncontrolled bleeding
- Respiratory difficulties
- Chest pain
- Suffocation
- Bloody cough or vomit
- Symptoms of fainting or loss of consciousness
- The desire to commit suicide or kill
- Head or back injuries
- Severe or persistent vomiting
- Sudden injuries resulting from an accident
- Sudden, severe pain anywhere in the body
- Sudden dizziness, weakness or vision changes
- Sudden nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
- Ingestion of a poisonous substance
- Extreme abdominal discomfort or pressure (MedlinePlus)
Dealing with medical emergencies
Home emergencies must be handled carefully.
It can be overwhelming, the first step is to calm down and take a deep breath.
You can also prepare for medical emergencies that occur at home by doing the following:
Prepare documents and folders
- Store personal and health records in portable, leak-proof containers.
- Identification documents, health cards, and more must be included.
Drug list
- Keep an up-to-date list of medications your family takes, as well as doctor’s contact information.
- Emergency contacts
- Prepare and maintain a list of family members, doctors and other personnel involved in family medical care.
At the end of this article you will find many insights, some of which concern medical emergency bags, the backpack to prepare in case of earthquakes and more.
CPR and first aid
Take first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation lessons: they continuously organize them in the workplace and in voluntary associations.
Find one and learn the basics of the resuscitation procedure.
Assemble and maintain first aid kits at home and on the go, for example in the car. (Medstarhealth)
Dealing with medical emergencies at work
Here are some things to remember when there is a medical emergency at work:
- Call the Emergency Number from any landline or mobile
- Remain calm and with the victim/patient until help arrives
- Provide first aid if you are trained to do so
Before you act, you should consider whether the area you and the victim are in is safe.
Only move the victim if her safety is at risk, and after having received instructions from the Operations Centre: there are medical emergencies that you may not know about and which in the event of a move can lead to certain death of the patient. Always ask! At the other end of the phone they know what needs to be done.
People nearby can provide first aid or call for help.
It’s also important to know if bystanders ask for directions so they don’t get injured or sick.
Request assistance from bystanders to prevent crowds from building around the victim.
When to call an ambulance
An ambulance transports patients to a hospital and allows emergency medical technicians (EMTs) to begin medical care immediately upon arrival, extending assistance during transport.
Having a “when to call” protocol is essential to ensure a quick response.
Call an ambulance when the individual’s condition could be life-threatening or fatal.
When should CPR be performed?
CPR is needed if a person stops breathing or their heart stops.
Call Emergency Number before starting CPR so that an ambulance can be dispatched; the dispatcher can also assist you with life-saving procedures. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
Moving the patient
If moving the patient aggravates the injuries, avoid it.
This is seen in car accidents, falls and other types of trauma.
Emergency responders are trained to safely extract people from potentially dangerous situations.
Medical emergencies and first aid
Medical crises can happen at any time.
Preparing to take care of yourself and your loved ones during these unexpected times is essential.
Proper planning ensures better outcomes when it comes to medical emergencies.
Anyone who suspects they are in a medical emergency should seek emergency assistance immediately – the relief supply chain has its first link in you who is calling.
Bibliographical references
MedlinePlus. “Recognizing Medical Emergencies: Medlineplus Medical Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001927.htm.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “Medical Emergency Procedure.” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.niaid.nih.gov/global/emergency-medical-emergencies.
Medstarhealth. “Preparing-for-Medical-Emergencies-at-Home.” Preparing for Medical Emergencies at Home, www.medstarhealth.org/blog/preparing-for-medical-emergencies-at-home.
Emergency physicians. When-and When Not-to Call an Ambulance, www.emergencyphysicians.org/article/er101/when—and-when-not—to-call-an-ambulance.
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