Microalbuminuria (MA): what does it indicate?
Microalbuminuria (MA) is a predictive index for the prevention of nephropathy. Albumin is a protein present in greater quantities in human plasma; it plays the role of maintaining osmotic pressure in the vascular bed at a correct value and is a carrier for various substances of endogenous and exogenous origin
What Microalbuminuria (MA) indicates
Proteins should normally not appear in the urine, or if present, be present in negligible percentages.
Albumin concentrations between 20 and 200 mg/l (2-20 mg/dl), better if the analysis is done on morning urine, can be considered a sign of renal involvement.
If the albumin concentration is within the indicated range, it is referred to as microalbuminuria.
Neglected or inadequately controlled diabetes is one of the possible causes of these changes.
Microalbuminuria is therefore very important in at-risk individuals such as diabetes patients, in order to prevent and/or diagnose the possible development of renal alterations in good time.
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