NHS: the new People Plan 2020/21. What is it about?
NHS People Plan 2020/21 sets out actions to support transformation across the whole NHS.
NHS People Plan 2020/21 focuses on how the association professionals must continue to look after each other and foster a culture of inclusion and belonging, as well as action to grow our workforce, train our people, and work together differently to deliver patient care. During COVID-19, people who provided response have shown energy, creativity and drive in finding solutions to new problems.
NHS People Plan 2020/21 principles
The principles included in the NHS People Plan 2020/21 must endure beyond that time PEOPLE. According tot the official document issued in July “the NHS is made up of people in many different roles, in different settings, employed in different ways, by a wide range of organisations. Many people providing NHS services work for NHS trusts.
But others are employed by community interest and other companies or partnerships – for example, in primary care across GP practices, dental surgeries, pharmacies and optometrists. The NHS also works closely with partners in social care and local government, as well as with the voluntary and independent sectors. We benefit from the contribution of those in unpaid roles too – particularly carers and volunteers. How different elements of the plan are implemented will vary across these different settings, but the principles it sets out apply across all organisations and to all our people involved in providing or commissioning NHS care.
NHS England and NHS Improvement and Health Education England (HEE) will work with non-NHS employers and their representatives too, to agree on how they support the delivery of these principles in their organisations.”
People Plan 2020/21: What do NHS people need?
- More people in training and education, and recruited to ensure that our services are appropriately staffed;
- working differently by embracing new ways of working in teams, across organisations and sectors, and supported by technology;
- in a compassionate and inclusive culture by building on the motivation at the heart of our NHS to look after
and value our people, create a sense of belonging and promote a more inclusive service and workplace so that our people will want to stay.
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