Opening the eyes of the world, CUAMM's "ForeSeeing Inclusion" project to combat blindness in Uganda
Uganda, an important project of Doctors with Africa CUAMM for the population of northern Uganda. The “ForeSeeing Inclusion” project aims to contribute to the reduction of avoidable blindness by 2021 in northern Uganda, in particular in the three districts of Arua, Kitgum, and Lamwo.
Blindness in Uganda, the “ForeSeeing Inclusion” project of CUAMM and CBM
In January 2020 Christian Blind Mission (CBM) in collaboration with Doctors with Africa Cuamm and with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), launched the project “ForeSeeing Inclusion”, dedicated to visual health in northern Uganda.
The intervention, lasting three years, involves more than 76,521 beneficiaries and aims to contribute to the reduction of avoidable blindness by 2021, in particular in the three districts of Arua, Kitgum, and Lamwo.
Statistics on blindness in Uganda and CUAMM eye examinations
According to the latest national census (2014), 32% of all people with visual impairment in Uganda are concentrated in the north of the country and 75% of them suffer from blindness that, with the appropriate knowledge and tools, could be avoidable.
Among the most frequent conditions is trachoma, a bacterial infection of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye, transmissible by contact but easily treatable if identified early.
Many people receive treatment, which otherwise they could not afford.
This happens thanks to the efforts of many health workers such as Lotomya Juliet, an employee of the ophthalmic clinic: “I treasure the experiences of every day.
This project has developed my eye care skills and has made me even more aware of how fundamental vision is.
It is beautiful and very rewarding to be the reason for a beautiful smile on the face of a patient who regains his sight – continues Juliet – Many people came to the center with complicated situations that caused them so much pain, the condition of some people is so serious that they do not have a very long life expectancy.
But everyone here feels cared for and when they come out, more relieved.
They ask me how long I will stay in the center of Omugo and when I answer that I will stay there for three years, they are happy.
The vital force of the patients, the passion of the health workers, and a dedicated intervention: these are the ingredients for more and more people to open their eyes to the world.
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