Pain and tingling in the hands, symptoms of which disorders?
With pain and tingling, the hands talk to us. But what do they tell us? They tell us about disorders and pathologies that can affect the hands, an essential tool not only for carrying out different functions on a daily basis, both in a personal and professional context, but also because it is with the hands that we communicate: we shake hands, gesticulate and aid conversation
There is no other machine in the world that can work as long and as maintenance-free as hands
It is difficult to find one that can perform both precision and ‘heavier’ actions as well as hands can.
But precisely because of the constant movement and stress to which they are subjected, the hands can also become ‘sick’: degenerative diseases occur when the capacity for self-repair is less than the effects of wear and tear.
What are the symptoms of hand disorders?
People who work with computers for long periods of time may experience pain in their hands, which is a warning sign of tendon overload disease.
The solution is simply to lower the chair and change the position of the wrist.
In most cases, especially in the first three fingers, the tingling may be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome, perhaps the most common condition of the hands, which also affects young patients.
But it is necessary to look for additional specific signs to confirm the diagnosis.
If the tingling becomes chronic and the electromyography is positive, a surgical approach should be considered.
Arthrosis can affect hands even when young
Arthrosis can also affect patients at a young age, particularly the joint at the base of the thumb, which works hard and tends to wear out faster.
Snapping finger is a very common but fortunately mild problem.
It is caused by the inflammation of a tendon that runs in a canal that becomes narrower.
Often, the finger locks spontaneously in flexion and if forced to move, it snaps.
In addition, the hand also reveals the emotional state of the person, for example through sweating: if excessive, sweating is a symptom of nerve disorders, but it is a problem that is easily solved with medication and minor surgery.
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