Pediatrics: what to do in case of high fever in children?
Fever is one of the classic manifestations of seasonal illnesses, now coming on almost everywhere
Having a fever is not an illness but a natural defense reaction of the body to the attack of bacteria and viruses, or a consequence of trivial exertion, excessive heating of the environment, taking hot meals or drinks, etc.
In the case of a child, even when the fever is high, one should not be frightened or worried too much but rather, observe the different signs and then act as best as possible.
If the thermometer indicates high fever–don’t panic!
When a fever rises in the child first it is essential to banish the thought that a serious illness is in progress but rather the triggers should be sought.
Often causing the rise in temperature are common throat, nose, ear infections that manifest themselves with fever over 40° C but heal easily without compromising the health of the body.
For this reason, it is advisable to observe the child’s behavior and realize how he or she is doing: whether he or she is pale, whether he or she is lively or on the contrary too calm, whether he or she does not feel like eating, whether he or she cries continuously, and then act with common antipyretics and possibly call the pediatrician.
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