Prostate cancer: prevention and health
Discover How Daily Choices Can Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk and Improve Men’s Health
A Growing Men’s Health Issue
Prostate cancer is a significant health problem for men. Doctors anticipate over 40,000 new cases in Italy this year. The number of cases continues to rise annually. In 2020, it was the most common cancer among Italian men, representing 18.5% of all cancers. The prostate is a small gland near the rectum that helps produce seminal fluid. However, with age or certain conditions, the prostate can enlarge, making urination difficult.
How We Live Affects Our Risk
Being overweight or obese increases the likelihood of prostate cancer in men. A 2022 study showed that the higher an individual’s weight, the greater their risk of dying from this cancer. Eating healthy and exercising regularly are crucial for preventing prostate cancer. Smoking also increases the risk, not only for lung cancer but also for prostate cancer. Quitting smoking is a vital step men can take to reduce their risk.
What We Eat Matters
The foods we consume play a significant role in prostate cancer risk. In 2023, research demonstrated that consuming high levels of saturated and animal fats increases the risk of this disease. It’s better to reduce red meat and processed meats and opt for lean proteins like beans, tofu, and fish. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially cruciferous ones like broccoli and cauliflower, has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
Ejaculation and Prostate Health
Ejaculation might help prevent prostate cancer. A 2016 study found that men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month have a lower risk of developing the disease, a 20% lower risk. This link could be because semen emission removes potentially harmful substances from the prostate. Additionally, practicing safe intimacy using protection can reduce sexually transmitted infections, some of which are associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer.
Simple Changes, Significant Prostate Results
To keep the prostate healthy, small adjustments to daily routines can be made. Maintaining a healthy weight, saying no to smoking, reducing alcohol intake, and filling the plate with plant-based foods are smart moves. But that’s not all! Regular physical exercise is also crucial. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that physically fit individuals have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Knowing risk factors and leading a clean lifestyle can protect the prostate and enhance overall well-being.