Salpingitis: causes and complications of this fallopian tube inflammation
Salpingitis is a fairly rare disorder, but one that should not be underestimated: it is the inflammation of one or both fallopian tubes (also known as the Fallopian tubes) due to the action of germs from outside, which have entered through the vagina, travelled up the uterus and nested in this area
The forms of salpingitis
The most dangerous form of salpingitis is chronic salpingitis, which often evolves without any noticeable symptoms and causes only some slight pain in the lower abdomen, more acute in the middle of the cycle and during sexual intercourse.
Other symptoms of the disease are whitish discharge and increased temperature.
Particular attention must be paid to this disease because, if left untreated, it can cause sterility, extrauterine pregnancies and, in the case of childbirth, certain illnesses in the newborn child.
Causes of salpingitis are the inappropriate use of tampons, held too long, perhaps all day without changing them, the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive (IUD or IUD), and generally untreated or badly treated vaginal infections.
As in other cases, correct and scrupulous intimate hygiene helps prevent this dangerous and bothersome disease.
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