Spirometry: what is it and what is it used for in solving respiratory problems?
Following a respiratory pathology, or breathing problems, the doctor may ask to have a spirometry performed
Many people, however, do not know what kind of test it is and remain hesitant when confronted with this word, perhaps imagining that they have some serious problem.
Spirometry, on the other hand, is a very simple test that is completely painless and absolutely non-invasive and can be easily performed by adults, children or the elderly.
Spirometry, what this test consists of
The spirometry test, or spirometry, is, as we have said, a non-invasive test that can be easily reproduced, has a low cost and is used to detect respiratory function if the doctor deems it appropriate following the manifestation of some respiratory problem in the patient.
Spirometry is performed with a computerised device, the spirometer
The apparatus consists of a mouthpiece connected to a computer that is able to assess lung volumes according to pre-established parameters.
As you can see, it is not an invasive test and is not painful, but it does require participation on the part of the patient undergoing it.
How the spirometry test is performed
Spirometry is easy to perform.
The patient must blow into the mouthpiece with all the capacity he or she has, preferably with some power, and must hold the breath for as long as possible, just as if he or she were trying to blow out a candle that will not go out.
The breath blown into the mouthpiece will be examined by the spirometer, which can then measure the lung capacity.
No special preparation is needed before performing the test, in any case the operator or doctor present will give explicit instructions on how to perform it.
Before proceeding, however, certain data such as age, height and weight are asked.
Unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, anyone undergoing this test must generally discontinue any medications taken with antihistamine action or bronchodilators at least 12 hours before the test.
As far as cigarette smoking is concerned, it goes without saying that one should not smoke at all, however, in the case of smokers, one should try not to smoke at least in the hours prior to the test and in any case, before proceeding to the test it is a good idea to tell the doctor or the operator if one is a smoker, as this is a parameter that must be taken into account.
Why spirometry is performed
Spirometry is usually indicated by the doctor when respiratory problems occur in the patient or if any particular pathology is suspected, such as bronchopulmonary diseases.
The test is also used to monitor lung diseases, or respiratory diseases in general, that have already been diagnosed so as to understand whether everything is still normal or whether treatment or a new therapy needs to be initiated to replace the current one.
But what are the pathologies for which spirometry may be required?
Certainly all those that affect respiratory function, such as asthma.
This is a very frequent pathology among both allergy sufferers and non-allergy sufferers.
Chronic bronchitis is another pathology that presents a particular symptomatology and requires a spirometric test to be better diagnosed.
The same can be said for pneumonia, but also obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary emphysema and even obesity.
Another reason why a spirometry test may be required is to demonstrate sporting fitness, so before starting the chosen activity, the person is required to undergo certain tests, including spirometry.
When spirometry should not be performed
Although this is a non-invasive test, there are some situations in which it is better to avoid it.
For example, if the person has previously suffered an aneurysm, or is suffering from angina pectoris, a heart attack, or has had a pulmonary embolism.
Clearly, the test is also not recommended for those who have undergone chest or abdominal surgery, even in the case of a recent caesarean section.
Spirometry should not be performed if nausea or dizziness is experienced.
When the test can be said to have been performed correctly
In order to obtain valid parameters, the test must be repeated until three suitable tests are obtained, i.e. not differing by more than 200 ml or 5%.
The parameters, which as we have mentioned vary according to gender, age, weight and height, are different.
Among them, for example, VC or TV is the measure of tidal volume, i.e. the volume of air inhaled and exhaled in a single respiratory movement under resting conditions.
Values should usually average between 0.4 and 1 l.
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