The use of outpatient hysteroscopy for early diagnosis
Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic technique that allows the exploration of the uterine cavity through the use of optical probes
The patient is usually referred for hysteroscopic examination following a previous gynaecological or ultrasound clinical check-up.
Why is a hysteroscopy performed?
This examination has a very broad field of application and allows the diagnosis of endouterine formations such as endometrial and cervical polyps, submucosal myomas, uterine synechiae of surgical or infectious nature, uterine malformations such as septum and bicornuate uterus, infections such as endometritis and endometrial and cervical neoplasms.
Although it is a more invasive examination than others such as ultrasound, it can be performed without the need for anaesthesia, even allowing endometrial samples to be taken for histological examination.
Analgesia is mostly necessary for the treatment of any neoformations found during the examination such as large polyps and myomas or for the resection of large uterine septa.
However, the use of increasingly smaller hysteroscopes and the use of tiny bipolar probes allows the treatment of most of the neoformations described in the absence of sedation, making it possible to carry out the operations in day-surgery and potentially also in outpatient clinics, thus considerably reducing discomfort for the patient and costs for the healthcare system.
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