What is albumin and why is the test performed to quantify blood albumin values?
Albumin is a carbohydrate-free protein and constitutes 55-65% of the total plasma protein. Its concentration in the blood is closely linked to the function of the liver, which is responsible for its production, and the kidney
It performs several functions: it contributes to keeping the level of fluid in the blood vessels stable, thus preventing it from leaking and diffusing into the tissues; it is involved in the transport of hormones, vitamins, ions (such as calcium) in the body; it acts as a plasma antioxidant.
The examination may be required to check for liver or kidney disease, to assess malabsorption problems in the digestive system, but also to monitor the progression of various disorders and the state of a patient’s nutrition.
What does the result of the albumin test mean?
A decrease in the concentration of albumin in the blood (hypoalbuminemia) can be caused by various factors, such as liver damage or disease, severe inflammation.
Hyperalbuminemia, an increase in the concentration of albumin in the blood, on the other hand, occurs in case of dehydration.
How is the albumin test performed?
The test is performed by taking venous blood from the arm.
Are there any preparation rules?
Fasting for at least 6-8 hours is advisable.
Please note that the results of the laboratory tests must be framed by the doctor, taking into account any medications taken, phytotherapeutic products and medical history.
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