What is albumin and why is the test performed to quantify its concentration in urine?
Albumin is a protein present in circulating blood and constitutes 55-65% of total plasma protein
Its concentration in the blood is closely linked to the function of the liver, which is responsible for its production, and the kidney.
It performs several functions: it contributes to keeping the level of fluid in the blood vessels stable, thus preventing it from leaking and diffusing into the tissues; it is involved in the transport of hormones, vitamins, ions (such as calcium) in the body; it acts as a plasma antioxidant.
The assessment of albumin concentration in urine is requested by the specialist as it can be an early sign of chronic kidney disease
This is especially so in patients with diabetes to diagnose or prevent the onset of diabetic nephropathy.
Diabetic nephropathy, in fact, is associated with increased albumin in the urine (albuminuria), the levels of which rise even in those patients who do not yet have nephropathy but are destined to develop it.
What does the urine albumin test result mean?
A result above the reference range indicates the presence or risk of chronic kidney disease.
How is the test performed?
The test is performed on a urine sample.
Urine albumin test: are there any preparation requirements?
The test should not be performed after heavy exercise.
Women should not perform the test during menstruation, as a physiological excess of albumin may be present.
It should be remembered that the results of laboratory tests must be framed by the doctor, taking into account any medications taken, phytotherapeutic products and medical history.
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