Central Italy Earthquake: 247 dead - Keep on digging and hoping
Italy – Civil Protection Department affirmed an increase of dead: 247
190 victims have been found in Rieti province and 57 in Ascoli Piceno province. The most damaged town at the moment is Amatrice, where more than a hundred dead have been registered.
Earthquake shakes did not stop. Another shake of magnitude 4.5 hit Marche and Lazio. Evacuated people at the moment are two thousand. The hospital in Amatrice have been evacuated, but during the earthquake, a head nurse died. Patients in more critical conditions have been carried to Rieti.
“We took other people out of the ruins tonight”, explains the major of Amatrice, Sergio Pirozzi. the situation is dramatic. At the dawn researches started again, which have been stopped because a new shake.
There is the possibility to give a hand also from other countries. To donate, it is possible to make a bank transfer to the bank account 1000/145551 addressed to areas in central Italy hit by the earthquake.
Make the bank transfer out to «Un aiuto subito – Terremoto Centro Italia 6.0»
IBAN and SWIFT: IT17 E033 5901 6001 0000 0145 551 BIC BCITITMX
(Source of information about donation: Corriere della Sera)
Civil Protection, Chef Dept. Curcio: Victims are 247, for now. We must go on!
Fabrizio Curcio, Civil Protection Chef Department, on Radio Rai 1 affirmed:
“The number of missing people is still uncertain, because there is not the list of who arrived and who left the towns. We have to act to find other people“
This declaration makes us to understand how much is important to work, but also how much is important the silence. It will help rescuers in finding people beneath the ruins.