CPR: 4 rules you can't forget
Do’s and don’ts of administering CPR is the title of a really interesting lesson that Fox News broadcast on July. Erin Tolbert, a certified Famili Nurse Practicioner who found the midlevely.com blog, explain the basical rules of CPR that everyone must to know. During the Fox&Friends show Erin explain the most important 4 steps of CPR.
- First: call the emergency number of your country. Don’t be afraid, describe the situation and listen the question that operators ask you.
- Second: remember ABC, so the second step is Airway. Opening the airway with a head tilt-chin lift maneuver.
- Third: Looking, listening and feeling for Breathing. Normal breathing rates are between 12 and 30 breaths per minute and if a patient is breathing below the minimum rate, then in current ILCOR basic life support protocols, CPR should be considered, although professional rescuers may have their own protocols to follow, such as artificial respiration.
- Fourth: Last to do’s rules is performing chest Compressions. Rescuers must support circulation. Between paediatrics and adult patients there’s some difference that this video explain really well
Erin Tolbert, is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner practicing in an emergency department in Nashville, TN. Happy with her personal career choices, she founded MidlevelU to share her life and love of the NP profession with prospective and practicing nurse practitioners and the healthcare community as a whole. Through MidlevelU, she aspires to build a thriving online forum to support nurse practitioners from the beginning of their education throughout the ups and downs of the NP career.