Cardioprotection: defibrillators, lung ventilators and CPR systems from EMD112
EMD112 has chosen Emergency Expo: at its stand, it will be possible to learn more about defibrillators, pulmonary ventilators, and the Lucas chest compression system
Cardioprotection but not only: EMD112 also means training for professional and lay rescuers
But that’s not all! At the booth at Emergency Expo, it will be possible to interact with the company to explore the other possibilities offered, especially the now essential training: BLSD Mass Training, BLSD/PBLSD (Basic Life Support Defibrillation / Pediatric Basic Life Support Defibrillation) courses BLSD and courses for companies, aimed at first aid, and use of the defibrillator.
EMD112, which has always been distinguished by the deep dissemination of the culture of cardioprotection, has set itself the goal of contributing to the “civic education” of ordinary people, as well as the training of the professional operator: in the future to be familiar in the coming years with terms such as a defibrillator, cardiac arrest, BLSD, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, will make a difference in many crucial situations.
And the news events prove it.
So there are a thousand good reasons to visit the EMD112 – Echoes Medical Division booth at Emergency Expo.
And Roberts is proud to host it.
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