FREQUENTIS participates in first NG112 Communications Plugtest in Europe
FREQUENTIS participates in first NG112 Communications Plugtest in Europe
Frequentis announces participation in the first ever emergency communications interoperability Plugtests in Europe, 14-18 March in Sophia-Antipolis, France.
The event, organised by ETSI and EENA (the European Emergency Number Association) was designed to trial independently and jointly all components of the 112 communication chain based on NG112 networks. During the event, different items of the NG112 chain were put to the test.
Frequentis contributed substantially to the Plugtest Event with the following next generation core services and functional elements:
- NIF (NG112 Interwork Function)
The NIF is a functional component of a Legacy Network Gateway (LNG) which provides NG112 specific processing that is not provided by a commercial off-the-shelf protocol interwork or VoIP gateway. - ESRP (Emergency Service Routing Proxy)
The ESRP is an NG112 core service that selects the next hop routing within the ESInet based on location and policy. Depending on the topology and geographic expanse of a network there might be one or more instances of ESRPs. - PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point or Control Centre) and 3020 LifeX Call Taker
The PSAP is responsible for receiving emergency calls and processing those calls according to a specific operational policy. The Call Taker is the position on which emergency calls (audio, video and real-time text) are answered. 3020 LifeX is a Call Taker solution provided by Frequentis. - LIS (Location Information Service)
A LIS is a functional element that provides locations of endpoints. A LIS can provide Location-by-Reference or Location-by-Value in geo or civic forms and is queried by an endpoint for its own location, or by another entity for the location of an endpoint. A LIS returns the location (value or reference-associated) with that identifier. - Emergency Calling App
Frequentis tested an iOS/Android-based application that implements IP-based emergency calls (audio and video) according to NG112 standards.
The company is proud to have had the opportunity for its solutions to have been a part of this event, and to participate in this learning experience. Improving citizen access to emergency services is a key component of the company’s core mission, and will always be a priority for optimisation of current and future products to do just that.
Caption: Frequentis at NG112 Communications Plugtest
Copyright: Frequentis AG