Health and healthcare at the click of a mouse with new LAMI software
CHECK SINTOMI is Lami’s new proprietary software that helps people make the right decisions about their health, through a mix of technology and scientific reliability
We are at the beginning of a new phase for healthcare, after two years in which the need for an overhaul of the system has become increasingly evident.
Staff shortages (due to the cuts previously made and the difficult recruitment of new professionals), obsolete and territorially non-homogeneous communication systems, long and complicated bureaucratic procedures: however confidently one may claim in retrospect that the entire structure has held up despite the difficulties encountered, the fracture that has been created may become fertile ground for implementing a true Copernican revolution.
“We need to rethink our healthcare system, starting with a simple yet overlooked concept,” explains Davide Barenghi, CEO of Lami
“At the centre should not only be the figure of the doctor, on whose shoulders the whole burden of care is loaded (or sometimes unloaded), but an efficient and sustainable ecosystem must be designed and built that is able to make patients active and aware.”
According to Deloitte’s Outlook Salute Italia 2022, Italians evaluate the healthcare sector as a whole positively, but 43% believe that public provision has deteriorated over the past year.
And this is not surprising, given the data on primary care published at the end of last year by Il Sole 24Ore, which showed that in 2021 one and a half million Italians did not have a general practitioner.
A sector that is already lacking in general medicine, which lost 3,000 family doctors between 2013 and 2019 and will see the retirement of another 35,000 resources by 2027.
If moments of crisis can help change, the pandemic has accelerated the process of adopting digital tools, the use of which is still widespread.
According to the latest research by the Osservatorio Sanità Digitale (Digital Health Observatory), communication between health professionals and patients has increasingly seen the adoption of messaging apps: 79% of General Practitioners and 73% of specialists use these tools, which are mainly appreciated for their speed and ease of use.
Another datum to underline is how tele-phones, widely used during the first periods of the health emergency, have also been employed in the last year: 20% of GPs and 26% of specialists made use of them. (© Department of Management Engineering – Milan Polytechnic).
While this certainly represents a significant change compared to the past, it must be emphasised that the potential of these instruments is still very much underestimated.
In addition, a security problem arises, when ‘unofficial’ communication channels and apps are used.
“Telemedicine and digital tools should not be seen as a solution to a crisis situation such as the one we have been experiencing,” continues Tommaso de Mojana, COO of Lami, “but rather as a great opportunity to be exploited, always bearing in mind that it is necessary to guarantee equity, accessibility and safety to all citizens.
LAMI: Check Sintomi was founded with the aim of bringing patients closer to primary care
Since its foundation at the end of 2020, Lami has offered healthcare services that could meet the demand, from citizens often left without any guidance or indication, for faster but reliable care.
With this in mind, Check Sintomi was developed, triage software that aims to guide people on their path to care.
The way it works is very simple: the patient enters a symptom, answers the questions elaborated by the algorithm and the tool identifies the possible pathology, providing information and indications on how to behave.
Check Sintomi identifies five personalised treatment paths:
- Need to contact Emergency Number through a direct call
- Need to go to an emergency room with geolocalisation of the nearest emergency room
- Possibility of an in-patient visit (urgent or non-urgent)
- Possibility of a televisit (urgent or non-urgent)
- Possibility to treat oneself at home (homecare) with indications on how to behave and on over-the-counter drugs/supplements to take
The software is developed on the basis of the American Schmitt Thompson medical protocol: the guidelines contain 2,000 symptoms and 4,000 clinical conditions, which are checked and updated annually on the basis of scientific evidence collected in numerous healthcare facilities worldwide.
The protocol is then validated by Lami’s Scientific Committee, composed of a multidisciplinary medical team led by Dr Marco Baroni, a specialist in respiratory diseases and internal medicine.
The strengths of the system are several:
- the timely identification, on the basis of the scientific protocol, of telemedicine-eligible clinical cases, i.e. to be treated through telemedicine
- the possibility of booking video-visits, throughout the territory, and home visits, in the cities of Milan and Rome, through our portal;
- the integrability of third-party platform modules for booking services and e-commerce for the sale of over-the-counter drugs and supplements.
The entire system relies on cryptographic technology: data are collected and processed in compliance with current privacy laws.
Prior to Check Sintomi, Lami released in March Lami-X, a virtual assistant that allows personalised check-ups based on a simple interaction
The tool has been used by thousands of users, thus confirming the widespread need for an approach to health that is not only easy but also quick and for tools that help with prevention.
“The symptom checker is a product in fieri,” Davide Barenghi continues, “this does not mean that it is incomplete or ineffective, it is rather the first step of a path under construction that takes into account the needs of citizens.
Listening, interpreting and acting is our modus operandi.
There is a problem that needs to be solved: the first link between the citizen and the healthcare system, primary care, is in great difficulty.
We are convinced that help can come from automating certain processes and, given the ferment in the digital health sector, I cannot say that we are the only ones.
We do not presume to solve the situation alone, but we can contribute to a process that benefits the entire system.
The Lami team
Lami is an innovative start-up that wants to revolutionise the world of healthcare by offering integrated and holistic support to patients’ needs with instant care services through software, video medical consultations, examinations and home visits.
In addition to the three founders of Lami, Davide Barenghi, Chiara Frigerio and Tommaso de Mojana, Lami has a scientific committee composed of a multidisciplinary team that guides the choice of professionals and the selection of the most innovative services and solutions.
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