Know your eyes to fight glaucoma
Knowing Your Eyes to Combat the Silent Guest: Glaucoma
During the World Glaucoma Week (March 10-16, 2024), ZEISS Vision Care, with the contribution of Dr. Spedale, emphasizes the importance of prevention and visual well-being through some tips to not be caught unprepared by this condition.
In our country, according to the Italian Institute of Ophthalmology, approximately one million people are affected by glaucoma, and only one-third of them are aware of it. This is because, in most cases, glaucoma is asymptomatic until the late stages, which is why regular check-ups are important.
ZEISS Vision Care, always attentive to the visual well-being of individuals and committed to information and awareness activities, has compiled, together with Dr. Franco Spedale, Director of the Departmental Ophthalmology Unit at the Chiari Hospital ASST Franciacorta, a small guide to help people identify this insidious condition early on.
What is Glaucoma and Its Possible Causes
Glaucoma is a disease characterized by an increase in eye pressure: if left untreated, it can cause a partial loss of peripheral vision and, in the worst cases, lead to blindness. Since this is also a hereditary condition, it tends to occur more frequently in people whose family members are affected, but not only. Age is also an important factor: the older a person gets, the higher the risk of developing glaucoma. Additionally, individuals with visual defects such as myopia or other conditions like diabetes, low blood pressure, and vascular disorders may be more susceptible to the onset of the disease.
Prevention and Control of Glaucoma
Glaucoma is an irreversible condition, but it can be controlled through specific treatments aimed at preventing visual impairments from worsening.
According to Dr. Spedale, there are behaviors and guidelines to slow down the progression of glaucoma. Starting from the age of forty, it is recommended to have an eye examination at least once a year to periodically check eye pressure and the condition of the optic nerve.
To maintain good health, including visual well-being, it is also crucial to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Controlling the Progression of the Disease
To monitor glaucoma, there are numerous means available to the ophthalmologist. Among the less invasive treatments are eye drops, to be used according to the prescription of the ophthalmologist. It may happen to forget or postpone their application: in the case of a single lapse, it is essential to resume the therapy at the earliest opportunity. If forgetfulness becomes habitual, there is a risk that the treatment becomes ineffective and thus the disease may not be well controlled. In cases where eye drops are not sufficient, surgical intervention may be necessary to reduce eye pressure.
Possible Contradictions for Contact Lens Wearers
Glaucoma is a disease related to internal eye pressure, so there are no contraindications for wearing contact lenses. However, some side effects may arise from the use of eye drops for glaucoma treatment, such as eye dryness, which could cause discomfort to the eye in contact with the lens.
Sport and Movement Contribute to Prevention
As always, a healthy and balanced lifestyle is highly recommended. Alongside proper nutrition, engaging in physical activity can play an important role in preventing visual well-being. Even when the condition has already manifested, practicing sports can promote better oxygenation and lower eye pressure.
In general, a condition like glaucoma should never be underestimated. ZEISS Vision Care reminds the importance of undergoing annual eye check-ups and visiting an ophthalmologist immediately whenever there is a change in vision. As always, any conditions diagnosed early on can be treated more successfully if detected in time.
For more information: https://www.zeiss.it/vision-care/benessere-occhi/salute-degli-occhi/glaucoma-cataratta-degenerazione-maculare.html
- Zeiss press release