Massive Haemorrhage Management: An Essential Course to Save Lives
Training is a crucial step towards reducing trauma mortality and improving public health
In Italy, trauma represents one of the main causes of mortality, with over 18,000 deaths annually and one million hospital admissions. To address this challenge, the ‘Management of Massive Haemorrhages’ course aims to teach the basic techniques for managing haemorrhages while waiting for advanced help. The course is open to everyone, from lay people to First Aiders, Social Workers (OSS) and volunteers, representing a natural educational progression after the BLS-D/PBLS-D course.
The statistics are clear: trauma is responsible for 7% of global mortality and is the leading cause of death for people under 40 worldwide. In Italy, the causes of trauma include traffic accidents, acts of delinquency, self-harm, accidents in the home and during leisure activities, as well as occupational injuries, totalling about 18,000 deaths annually.
More than 70% of trauma deaths occur within the first four hours of the accident, but many of these deaths are preventable. High-quality prehospital management is essential to reduce mortality and improve outcomes for patients with severe trauma. This requires a well-coordinated chain of events from accident to definitive treatment.
The course ‘Management of Massive Haemorrhage’ focuses on the crucial phase of pre-hospital management, where vital care can make a difference. The course is aimed at lay people, volunteer rescuers and healthcare professionals who wish to acquire or refine the necessary skills to deal with trauma situations.
The course provides a structured, effective and coherent training in clinical practice, ensuring that all professionals involved in the management of the severely traumatised person can provide adequate life support when it matters most.
For more information on the “Management of Massive Haemorrhage” course and how to participate, visit Dr. Laura Manfredini from 6/10/2023 to 8/10/2023 at Fiera del Garda in Montichiari (BS), REAS – 22nd International Emergency Exhibition in hall 1- stand b17.