Squicciarini Rescue: BLS Instructor courses with defibrillator use certificate of AHA
The Basic Life Support Debrillation Healthcare Provider (BLS with defibrillator use certificate) course of the American Heart Association (AHA) starts again
But why is it so important to have a certificate attesting competence in the use of a defibrillator?
Today, knowing how to intervene during a cardiac arrest or ventricular fibrillation is particularly important.
Sudden cardiac death, which in medicine refers to an unexpected death from cardiac causes, is a far from uncommon event.
Alone it is the cause of 50% of all deaths, in the western world, from heart disease.
In fact, national legislation is making the defibrillator mandatory in the public for sporting events, in large companies and also within courses related to company first aid.
Preventing cardiac arrest means saving a life
Cardiac arrest is a serious cardiovascular event that involves the cessation of cardiac electrical activity and requires timely intervention.
It disrupts the flow of blood to vital organs, depriving them of oxygen, and, if left untreated, causes death.
Resuscitation must be immediate: timely intervention can avoid the establishment of permanent damage to the brain, vital organs and death of the patient.
Thanks to the course provided by the trainers belonging to the AHA, it is possible to become a BLS instructor (with defibrillator use certificate) and be accredited to the 118 of your region.
Organized by the International Training Center Squicciarini Rescue, the course will be held in Rome, On Saturday 2nd October, in the splendid headquarters of the Savoy Hotel (Veneto Street, Roma center area), from 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM
The BLS course Instructor (with certificate of defibrillator use) by AHA enables internationally and at 118 Italian health personnel to use the defibrillator and to work in teams in high-performance cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the infant, in the child, in the adult also with airway management.
A course, therefore, also recommended for groups of healthcare professionals who wish to have an alignment of skills with high standards.
The training is aimed at health personnel, including doctors, nurses, health workers, physiotherapists, dentists, radiology technicians or 118 volunteers.
And it will be coordinated by Dr. Marco Squicciarini, director of the International Training Center and Medical Coordinator of BLSD training activities of the Ministry of Health
The international Training Center Squicciarini Rescue organizes instructor courses about every 6 months to accompany each learner throughout the course and help him in his new professional adventure, up to accreditation to 118.
The use of computer connected QCPR Advanced mannequins, which provide immediate feedback to the learner, are part of the innovative training modality that the AHA has been spreading all over the world since 1915.
The BLS course Instructor (with defibrillator use certificate) can also be delivered in several languages.
This allows access to courses in Italy to personnel from other countries or even – after authorization – the possibility of going abroad to certify international providers.
The goal of the Squicciarini Rescue Center is to train instructors and start training sites belonging to the ITC Squicciarini Rescue of the American Heart Association
This will allow – once the path is completed – to provide international certifications in the health world, in the world of companies, in schools, to anyone who really wants to learn how to save a life.
Below are the steps to become a Site-AHA and deliver BLS courses (with defibrillator use certificate) accredited to 118 in your region.
First you need to attend the course and become AHA BLS PROVIDER (with defibrillator use certificate), Health Care Provider and ARES 118 (international operator).
Once you have obtained the title of PROVIDER, it is advisable to follow some courses as an auditor, at the Squicciarini Rescue, to live the experience of the course and start doing your own AHA teaching.
This step is not mandatory but it is free and recommended for those who are entering the AHA world for the first time.
The journey continues with the BLS SANITARY HCP instructor course, where the conducting skills of the course will be tested, both from a communicative and practical point of view.
After passing the instructor course, you can access the final phase of the path: monitoring.
A real course where the instructor candidate, together with other candidates, will hold a BLS course (with defibrillator use certificate) with the supervision of the Faculty Training Centers during the course
Here, after a careful evaluation, it will be decided whether the candidate will be able to acquire the qualification as an instructor or if he will still have to be subjected to support.
For more information on costs and methods of the courses you can contact Dr. Squicciarini directly at the following email address info@squicciarinirescue.org.
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