The FAD training of Italia Emergenza? Save money with the Emergency Live discount code!
Training, the key element in the rescuer’s ability to intervene on the patient. And Italia Emergenza is a leading company in the FAD field: with Emergency Live it becomes an even more convenient choice
Here’s which FAD courses will be more convenient by presenting Emergency Live’s discount code to Italia Emergenza.
There are many training courses organised by Italia Emergenza
The ones you can currently choose from are:
- BLSD in an emergency: BLSD manoeuvres, CPR and resuscitation according to ERC guidelines (with CME)
- Cardiological emergencies and ECG reading, with clinical cases (with CME)
- Cardiological emergencies and ECG reading, with clinical cases (without CME)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder, from diagnosis to rehabilitation interventions (without CME)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder, from diagnosis to rehabilitation interventions (with CME)
- Extra-hospital trauma management (with CME)
- Intra-hospital emergency management (with CME)
A wide choice, then… it’s up to you to make yours!
By presenting Emergency Live’s discount code “EExpo 5”, you will pay 5 euros less for each FAD.
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