8 May, World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
Today, 8 May, the Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Crystal Societies celebrate World Red Cross Day
8 May, why is today celebrated as World Day?
The day, which marks the birthday of the movement’s founder and winner of the first Nobel Peace Prize, Henri Dunant, has been celebrated every year since 1948.
There are about 100 million members and many volunteers who serve others through the Red Crescent and Red Cross.
They perform all kinds of tasks for their fellow human beings, providing relief to 170 nations around the world.
Red Cross programmes are grouped into four main areas (and there is much to tell about the others): promotion of humanitarian principles and values, disaster response, disaster preparedness and community health and care.
Medical relief, with which we normally associate Red Cross activities, is a significant part of the service work carried out by volunteers, but certainly not the only one.
Suffice it to think of the service performed in assisting with the delivery of food and other supplies in times or situations of crisis.
Therefore, below you will find a series of articles expressly dedicated to these activities.
Consider dedicating some of your time to volunteering, and perhaps contact the Red Cross in your area to find out how you can help.
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