Afghanistan, Emergency's coordinator in Kabul: "We are worried but we continue to work"
Alberto Zanin, Emergency: “All the beds in the hospital in Kabul, including the intensive and sub-intensive care units, have been full for days”
“We remain very concerned about the situation, but we continue to work tirelessly together with all our Afghan colleagues, to treat as many wounded as possible, to save as many lives as possible”.
This was reported by Alberto Zanin, Emergency Kabul’s medical coordinator
“All the beds in the Kabul hospital, including the intensive and sub-intensive care units, have been full for days,’ he says.
This is why the admission criteria have been revised, admitting “only patients in danger of dying, with serious trauma and life-threatening injuries”.
The situation seems to be stabilising: while 63 patients arrived on Monday, the flow has decreased in the last 24 hours, with 37 patients arriving yesterday.
“Today we will be able to start admitting patients with less serious injuries again,” says the Aosta medical coordinator.
The activities of the non-profit humanitarian association founded by Gino Strada, who died recently, continue at full pace in the centres in Lashkar-gah, in the south of the country, and in Anabah, in the Pashir Valley, as well as in the 44 first-aid posts in the most remote areas of the country.
In the meantime, reports of firefights at the airport continue to arrive from the city: ‘last night we heard bursts of Kalashnikov fire again,’ Zanin concludes.
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Gino Strada, The 73-Year-Old Founder Of Emergency, Has Died