Air Force Rescue: Rescue of a Hiker on Mount Miletto (Italy)
Hero of the Sky: How the 85th SAR Centre at Pratica di Mare (Italy) Performed a Complex Rescue
At first light, the Italian Air Force completed an extraordinary rescue mission, once again demonstrating the value and effectiveness of its operations in critical situations. With an HH-139B helicopter from the 85th SAR (Search and Rescue) Centre at Pratica di Mare, a stranded and injured hiker was rescued on Mount Miletto, one of the most imposing peaks of the Matese Mountains, in the province of Campobasso.
The request for intervention came in the middle of the night from the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (CNSAS) Molise (National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps), and the helicopter took off shortly after two o’clock in the morning, facing a fifty-minute flight before reaching the scene of the accident. The adverse weather conditions and strong gusts of wind made the operation particularly complicated, requiring an intermediate refuelling at Capodichino airport.
The woman, in critical condition and polytraumatised, was located in an impervious area of the massif, which was initially reached by a CNSAS team. However, due to the rugged nature of the terrain, helicopter intervention and the use of a winch became essential to bring the hiker to safety.
The intervention of the CNSAS personnel was crucial: they assisted the woman and prepared her for the recovery operation, enabling the helicopter crew to secure her on board using an airlift stretcher. Once on board, the helicopter made its way to the Protezione Civile Molise Air Base in Campochiaro, where the patient was transferred to an ambulance and then to hospital to receive the necessary treatment.
The recovery operation highlights the importance of teamwork and the preparedness of the Italian rescue forces, capable of operating in extreme conditions and guaranteeing assistance even in the most difficult situations. The 85th SAR Centre, dependent on the 15th Wing in Cervia, plays a crucial role in search and rescue operations, guaranteeing round-the-clock service. The crews of the 15th Wing have saved thousands of lives, contributing significantly to the rescue of civilians in emergency situations.
Since 2018, the Department has also acquired the Anti-Bushfire (AIB) capability, actively participating in fire prevention and firefighting throughout the country. This rescue operation once again demonstrates the commitment and dedication of the Italian Armed Forces in protecting and assisting citizens, underlining the value and importance of having an efficient rescue structure ready to intervene at all times.
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Aeronautica Militare Italiana Press Release