Bad weather in Italy, three dead and three missing in Emilia-Romagna. And there is a risk of new floods
Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna (Italy), the mayor of Forlì: “It’s the end of the world”; Priolo (Civil Protection): “The situation is very complex and the emergency has not yet ended”
At the time of writing, three dead and three missing is the provisional toll of yet another wave of bad weather that has hit Emilia-Romagna, the third in a few days.
The three ascertained victims are a man in Forlì and one in Cesena, whose wife was missing, later found dead.
Another three are missing, all in the province of Forlì-Cesena.
Over 5,000 people have been evacuated from their homes.
Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna, a total of 14 rivers flooded, in several places
They are Idice, Quaderna, Sillaro, Santerno, Senio, Lamone, Marzeno, Montone, Savio, Pisciatello, Lavino, Gaiana, Ronco.
There are also 19 watercourses that have exceeded warning level 3 (Savena, Lamone, Sillaro, Senio, Savio, Marecchia, Pisciatello, Marzeno, Ausa, Uso, Montone, Voltre, Rubicone, Idice, Rabbi, Ronco, Sintria, Santerno and Quaderna).
Widespread flooding was recorded in 23 municipalities: Bologna, Budrio, Molinella, Medicina, Castel San Pietro, Imola, Mordano, Conselice, Lugo, Massalombarda, Sant’Agata sul Santerno, Cotignola, Solarolo, Faenza, Castel Bolognese, Riolo Terme, Bagnacavallo, Forlì, Cesena, Cesenatico, Gatteo Mare, Gambettola, Savignano sul Rubicone, Riccione.
Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna (Italy): in the Apennines, from Bologna to Forlì-Cesena, more than 250 disruptions are reported
During the night, new heavy rainfall in hilly and foothill areas, from Romagna to the Bologna area, led to new river flooding and rising river levels.
In some places, such as Sant’Agata sul Santerno, in the Ravenna area, levels could not be measured because they were higher than those measured by instruments and the historical maximums recorded.
For today morning, rainfall will tend to persist in the central areas of the region, with progressive attenuation in the eastern areas.
“The emergency is still in full swing and the priority is to secure the entire population involved,” says the Region, “it is necessary to follow the indications of the authorities and mayors, who have been active since yesterday to evacuate people in danger.
The estimate of evacuees is growing, and operations are ongoing. Only in the coming hours will it be possible to have a complete picture of the damage and consequences. And of the number of people evacuated’.
As early as yesterday, the national civil protection department was asked to reinforce urgent technical assistance, involving the army and the fire brigade.
Men from the San Marco Battalion are also arriving.
510 firefighters are already operational and another 100 are on the way, in addition to three helicopters that have been operating since last night in the Cesena area.
The Inter-Forces Summit Operations Command has activated five helicopters, nine rubber dinghies and six lagoon boats, as well as 12 operational units for bank control, a remotely piloted aircraft for monitoring and seven inflatable boats.
Additional teams of volunteers are arriving from Veneto and Lombardy.
The Italian Harbour Master’s Office is providing three helicopters, an aircraft, two boats and, arriving in Ravenna, 12 divers.
The Carabinieri will reinforce their garrison in the area with anti-raid teams and will make two helicopters available, as will the Guardia di finanza.
The Italian Red Cross is putting 116 volunteers into action and the Mountain Rescue Service another 136, 12 flood operators and three all-terrain ambulances.
In Emilia-Romagna, the emergency situation linked to the bad weather could get even worse: the situation is already ‘very complex and the emergency has not yet ended because it is continuing to rain’, so ‘we have evidence that there could be other floods’.
This was stated by the vice-president of the Region with responsibility for civil protection, Irene Priolo, interviewed on ‘Radio anch’io’ on Radio 1.
There are currently 23 municipalities in the region “with major flooding”: an “enormity”, Priolo stressed, adding that there are 14 rivers that have flooded and 19 watercourses affected by flooding.
“Very important numbers indeed,” continues the vice-president, “because very populous towns such as Faenza, Forlì, Cesena” and then “other areas such as Sant’Agata, Budrio, Molinella, Solarolo, Castel Bolognese, Riolo” are involved.
A ‘very vast and demanding’ situation, points out Priolo, in the face of which ‘collaboration with the national civil protection department has been activated since yesterday’.
Five helicopters are also in the field, because “it’s not easy for rescuers to get to the places”, so “there are people we are still evacuating in the area”, points out Priolo, adding that six lagoon teams with nine rubber dinghies have also been activated for the same purpose.
“Fortunately, we closed the schools early because we need people to move as little as possible,” Priolo emphasises.
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