Campfires and barbecues: how to avoid injuries and fires? Some information for citizens

Festivities such as Easter Monday bring with them the joy of barbecues in the open air. But every year there are serious accidents, often caused by simple carelessness

Yet it would suffice to respect a few basic rules to ensure the safety of people and places.

So here are some tips for taking advantage of the ‘barbecue season’ in a responsible manner.

And of course you will find more specific articles on the subject at the end.

Barbecues, the main safety rules to follow

Before setting off on an excursion involving campfires or open-air barbecues, find out about the weather forecast, and check whether the authorities have banned, as is often the case in summer, the lighting of open fires.

This information is certainly not difficult to obtain: the ban will be broadcast by all media.

Warning: violation of this ban carries serious criminal consequences!

It is normally issued when the risk to public safety (e.g. due to drought, and therefore the spread of fires) is high.

Among the most overlooked safety rules is often the most important one: once a fire has been lit, never attempt to revive it with burning alcohol or any other flammable liquid!

This is more than likely to cause a backfire that can seriously burn you and those around you.

Poor supervision is also a frequent cause of accidents.

Keep children away from any fire and cooker; the barbecue must be stable and placed in a safe place away from flammable materials.

Never leave a lit grill unattended!

As for forest fires, the first risk factor is the abandonment or mishandling of ashes or glowing embers after barbecuing.

At home as well as in forest areas, it is essential to pay special attention to where these materials are deposited: a suitable container must be provided from the outset.

Embers or ashes from fires take days to cool completely!

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