Coronavirus in Morocco: the Renault group response on private ambulance societies
Morocco is one of the few states in Africa in which the coronavirus hit hard. Already 2,685 cases have been confirmed in the state led by King Mohammed VI, with 137 deaths, against a population of almost 40 million of the people living there.
But a bit like in Italy, and in many parts of the world, the coronavirus emergency has pushed many to give their best, and Morocco is also distinguishing itself for a series of commendable solidarity initiatives. Like the Renault group did with the world of ambulance.
Coronavirus in Morocco, Renault’s effort
Meritorious was the decision of the Renault Morocco Group, which in recent days has contributed to the wave of national solidarity by donating 50 ambulances for the fight against COVID-19.
Two Moroccan car bodies, Tramauto and Arinco, will arrange the interior, transforming the vehicles into splendid ambulances.
A bit like the Fiat FCA group and the Volkswagen group have done, Renault Morocco has also made its infrastructure in Tangier and Casablanca available to be transformed into places to fight coronavirus.
Coronavirus in Morocco, political and economic donations
Morocco’s reaction to the emergency from COVID-19 was immediately important, providing for an initial fund of 1 billion dollars.
Added to this were the donations of important members of the establishment: the king of Morocco donated $ 200 million personally, the Minister of Agriculture, Aziz Akhannouch, donated 100 million through an energy company. Industry Minister Moulay Hafid Elalamy, for his part, paid $ 20 million into the fund.
COVID-19, in Marrakech private ambulances are available for free
But not only the economically relevant forces have set to work in the African state: the private ambulance companies active in Marrakech have decided to make available means and personnel for the free transport of people with symptoms from COVID-19, to allow them to reach the city hospital.
About fifteen companies have identified this way to alleviate the work load on the ambulances of the Emergency Medical Assistance Service (EMS) and on the means of the National Civil Protection.
About fifteen vehicles, most of them equipped with lung ventilation systems, thus entered the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus emergency response circuit, and this will certainly contribute greatly to the drop in infections in the inhabited center, which counts about a million inhabitants.