Coronavirus outbreak in Italy: 5 people in serious conditions

Coronavirus is becoming serious. Despite the attentions of the institutions and the efforts of many scientists, the virus is continuing to spread.

In Italy, the most serious outbreak has been discovered today, Feb. 21 in Lombardy.  A 38-year-old man in Codogno has been hospitalized in serious conditions. At the beginning of February, the man had dinner with a manager friend, who had recently returned from China.

Unfortunately, also his pregnant wife is also infected. The 38-year-old man works at the Unilever in Casalpusterlengo. That is the result of a normal life, millions of Italians who move from home to work every day. Now, Casalpusterlengo, Codogno and Castiglione d’Adda have been isolated.

Referring to the coronavirus, the Welfare Councilor of Lombardy, Giulio Gallera, announced that “there are six cases of coronavirus, of which five are serious”.

The other infected people have been the wife of the manager, a 38-year-old soccer partner (who went into the hospital with the symptoms of pneumonia) and three people who also presented themselves to the hospital of Codogno with pneumonia.

We do not often think about it, but we daily get in contact with so many people. Now, about 250 people have been isolated and they will be swabbed.

The clinical conditions, considered very serious, are causing considerable difficulties in the treatment of patient one. He should be transferred to the Ospedale Sacco in Milan, but it is currently excluded for the complicated condition of the man.

Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte announced the mandatory quarantine for those who got in contact with the 38-year-old, but he also asked to avoid any form of social alarmism or panic.

Patient zero, the patient one’s friend, who has returned from China, works at the Mae in Fiorenzuola d’Adda – which now has been temporarily closed because of this outcome-. Authorities are now trying to rebuild his last movements relating to travel and contacts of the last 20 days. Although he tested negative.

Meanwhile, Minister Speranza has released a press release through the Italian Ministry of Health website, which we report in full: “Covid-19:” Nuove misure di quarantena obbligatoria e sorveglianza attiva“:

“A seguito della riunione mattutina del comitato tecnico scientifico che ha approfondito le segnalazioni di nuovi casi di coronavirus Covid-19, il ministro della Salute, Roberto Speranza, ha provveduto ad emanare una nuova ordinanza. Essa prevede misure di isolamento quarantenario obbligatorio per i contatti stretti con un caso risultato positivo. Dispone la sorveglianza attiva con permanenza domiciliare fiduciaria per chi è stato nelle aree a rischio negli ultimi 14 giorni con obbligo di segnalazione da parte del soggetto interessato alle autorità sanitarie locali. 

Making our own the words of the ministry of a few days ago, to greatly mitigate the risk of contagion with coronavirus it is important to adopt normal hygiene precautions, first of all, wash your hands and face correctly.




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