COVID-19, 21 passengers on a flight from Bangladesh tested positive. In Brazil, Bolsonaro has coronavirus symptoms

Coronavirus is still spreading. Brazil President Bolsonaro got the fever and other COVID-19 symptoms. On the other side of the world, flights between Europe and Bangladesh have been suspended because 21 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were found on a flight to Dhaka today.

Even if lab tests have not been completed, 21 passengers on the special flight authorized by Enac, bound for Dhaka (Bangladesh) resulted positive to COVID-19. At the same time, today we got the piece of news that Brazil President Bolsonaro is suffering from COVID-19 symptoms.

COVID-19 in Rome: 21 Dhaka flight passengers turned out to be positive to coronavirus

The Director for the COVID-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato declared this notification this morning. “As a result of the regional order, all passengers on the flight from Bangladesh were subjected to serological testing, molecular testing and isolation.”

Mr D’Amato continues: “It is the confirmation that there are no safety conditions from that country and we opted for the suspension of flights. But we must carefully evaluate the measures to take”.

The Italian Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, ordered the suspension of flights arriving from Bangladesh following the significant number of COVID-19 cases found on the last flight arriving in Rome.

These passengers could have been a vector of virus transmission to their communities if we may have not tested them. Just this morning, the directors of the healthcare facility Asl Roma 2 held a meeting with some representatives of the Bangladesh communities in Rome who have given their complete availability to collaborate in the situation management.


COVID-19 in Brazil, President Bolsonaro suspects coronavirus symptoms

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has undergone a new diagnostic test for COVID-19. Within tomorrow we will know results. He recently complained about high fever and aches all over the body. This is making everybody suspecting he could have the virus.

The data that worries him the most is the rate of blood oxygenation, which is around 96%, slightly lower than the average. For the first time, Bolsonaro invited his supporters to keep their distance. He is now allegedly assuming chloroquine, reports say.


Italy, COVID-19 affected passengers on a flight from Bangladesh and Bolsonaro suspects COVID-19 infection – READ THE ITALIAN ARTICLE


India: 20,000 new COVID-19 cases in a single day. Third place worldwide after Brazil and the US

Latin America against COVID-19: 1,650,000 cases exceeded. Most in danger, Brazil and Chile

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19, are really efficient?



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