COVID-19 in Kosovo, the Italian Army sanitizes 50 buildings and AICS donates PPEs
The Italian Army cleaned and sanitizes over 50 public buildings in Kosovo to avoid COVID-19 infection. Then, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation integrated the support with the donation of PPEs.
COVID-19 emergency in Kosovo: the actions of the Italian Army and the AICS activity
Italian Army provided a specialized team consisting of nine soldiers from the 7th CBRN (Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear) Defense Army for Kosovo. They were equipped with decontamination systems, clothing special protective equipment, FFP3 respirators and other personal protective equipment (PPEs).
The soldiers intervened after the request of Kosovo. They sanitized over 50 public buildings in 34 provinces in Kosovo over two weeks, intervening in public clinics and police stations.
The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) has integrated the support provided by the military with the donation of PPEs to the Kosovo Infectious Diseases Clinic, which received masks, gowns and surgical gloves and disinfectant.
Ambassador Orlando said, “the Italian Embassy, the Agency for Development Cooperation and our Defense worked without interruption, successfully providing concrete assistance. The donation adds to the previous one and to the supply of the complete microbiology laboratory for the Infectious Diseases Clinic recently inaugurated as part of a project dedicated to supporting the health system in Kosovo “.
COVID-19 emergency, the work of Kosovo Military Forces
Colonel David Colussi, head of the national military contingent in Pristina, illustrated the military team’s activities, highlighting that “bilateral cooperation between the Italian Army and the Kosovo Ministry of Interior has been very effective and is destined to continue with the sanitization of other structures and with a training session in favor of the firefighters of Pristina “.
In the last few months – the press release continues – the 7th CBRN Defense Regiment ‘Cremona’ stationed in Civitavecchia has been deployed on the front line with other Defense units to respond to the COVID-19 emergency in different regions of Italy, as well as providing support contingents engaged in international operations.
In addition to the activities carried out in favor of the Kosovan institutions, the staff of the 7th Regiment assisted the NATO KFOR mission at the beginning of May, contributing to the sanitation of numerous military structures of the Alliance, while a medical team from the Army Logistics Command – concludes the note – conducted an epidemiological analysis of the COVID risk19 at the KFOR headquarters.
COVID-19 in Kosovo, the Italian Army and AICS work – READ THE ITALIAN ARTICLE