Covid, Unicef Italy President Francesco Samengo died in Rome
Covid emergency: with “deep dispare” Unicef Italia greets its beloved president Francesco Samengo who died in Rome after a hard battle against COVID-19.
He dies because of Covid Francesco Samengo: the condolences of Unicef Italia
“It has been for everyone a safe guide, an example of self-denial and tireless perseverance, a spur to always give our best in pursuing the cause of children’s rights in Italy and in the world”.
Samengo, president of Unicef Italy since 2018, in the last few days had contracted the COVID-19 virus and had been hospitalized at the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome a few days ago, makes a note.
“On the front line in the defense of the rights of children and young people in Italy and around the world, Francesco Samengo has always stood out for his enormous sensitivity and his firm belief that achieving a better world means first and foremost taking care of the most vulnerable and defenseless, especially children, without leaving anyone behind.
During his two years in office, he led the organization with great commitment, passion, and unceasing dedication”.
Vice President Carmela Pace, the Board of Directors, General Director Paolo Rozera, Regional and Provincial Presidents, Unicef volunteers, and all the staff “embrace with grief and affection her family, confident that in the strength of her example she will find the comfort to face this great loss.
President of Unicef Italy since 2018, Samengo has been Unicef volunteer for over twenty years, then a member of the Board of Directors and since 2001 President of the Regional Committee of Calabria for Unicef.
Born in Cassano Jonio (CS), he lived for many years in Rome.
Graduated in Economics and Commerce, registered in the Register of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors, he has held important managerial and top management roles in numerous public companies.
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