CRI National Assembly. Valastro: "Costs of conflicts unacceptable"
National Assembly of the Red Cross. Valastro: “The costs of conflicts are unacceptable: civilians, healthcare personnel, and humanitarian workers are not protected.” 160th anniversary medal to Deputy Minister Bellucci
“An important opportunity to reflect on our journey, analyze commitments made, results, and mistakes but above all our priorities, because the action of the Italian Red Cross must evolve and respond to the new vulnerabilities and the most pressing needs of the population.” With these words began the speech of Rosario Valastro, President of the Italian Red Cross, at the first National Assembly of the year of the IRC, which is taking place today in Rome, at the Auditorium del Massimo, an event attended by Maria Teresa Bellucci, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies, who thanked the Volunteers of the Italian Red Cross for their daily commitment, “a humanitarian action that with competence and dedication, the Association has been carrying out since 1864, protagonist of that ‘made in Italy of solidarity’, which is an excellence that we must narrate and to which the Government recognizes the utmost support. I want to remember your commitment that made the difference during the pandemic, in the conflicts in Ukraine and now in Gaza, in welcoming migrants, in shoveling mud in flooded areas, and digging through the rubble after earthquakes. You are always where it’s needed, without sparing yourselves, with the strength of your generosity and ability, because solidarity needs organization. To you, the Government and Italy say thank you. We are here for you, as you are there for us every day, in Italy and where it’s needed in the world.”
At the end of his speech, the President of the IRC, Rosario Valastro, presented Deputy Minister Bellucci with the commemorative medal for the 160th anniversary of the founding of the Italian Red Cross.
After talking about the papal audience on April 6th and the subsequent meeting at the Farnesina, to participate in the “Food for Gaza” discussion table on behalf of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Valastro then reviewed the main commitments made by the association about a year after the establishment of the new National Board of Directors. From Reconstruction works in Central Italy to telemedicine services, from the placement of Blue Shields to awareness campaigns against violence to healthcare workers, to involvement of supporters and activities in schools. “The costs of conflicts are unacceptable: civilian population, personnel and healthcare facilities, humanitarian workers, are not protected, international humanitarian law is not respected. We cannot turn a blind eye to all this and to crises such as climate change, disasters, migrations, digital and artificial intelligence,” Valastro concluded.
- Italian Red Cross press release