Humanitarian emergencies: international partnership between Red Cross and European Union launched

Humanitarian emergencies: an ambitious partnership between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) launched today aims to be a new model for the humanitarian sector

Humanitarian emergencies, a partnership involving 25 different countries

In response to the increasing number of crises arising worldwide, the pilot Programmatic Partnership “Accelerating Local Action in Humanitarian and Health Crises” aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with a multi-year EU funding allocation.

The partnership strengthens mutual strategic priorities and is built around five pillars of intervention: disaster preparedness/risk management; epidemic and pandemic preparedness and response; humanitarian assistance and protection to people on the move; cash and voucher assistance; risk communication, community engagement and accountability.

Comments from the protagonists of the agreement on humanitarian emergencies

European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said:

“I welcome with great hope the Pilot Programmatic Partnership with IFRC, a trusted EU partner who shares our vision of implementing efficient and effective humanitarian aid operations worldwide.

The funding allocated for this partnership reaffirms the EU commitment to help meet the growing needs of vulnerable people across some 25 countries, in close cooperation with the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies.

It also confirms our commitment to strategic partnerships with humanitarian aid organizations.”

IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain said:

“Longer-term, strategic partnerships are essential to respond to the escalation of humanitarian crises around the world.

We must respond rapidly, we must respond at scale, and we must modernize our approach to make impact.

We know that the most effective and sustainable humanitarian support is that which is locally led, puts communities at the heart of the action, and is resourced through flexible, long-term and predictable partnership.

The pilot Programmatic Partnership allows exactly that.”


Humanitarian emergencies : the Programme will begin with an inception phase in several countries in Latin America, West and Central Africa and Yemen

The main objective is to provide essential assistance to those currently affected by humanitarian crises, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate-related disasters and conflict and to prevent loss of lives and suffering. Investment is also made to ensure communities are better prepared to cope with disasters through the implementation of disaster preparedness and risk reduction components.

Working closely with its National Societies, the IFRC’s global reach combined with local action, its long history of community-driven humanitarian work and its Fundamental Principles, make it the partner of choice for this Pilot Programmatic Partnership with the EU.

Following the first phase of implementation, the Programme aims to expand its reach and include additional countries around the world with the support of more EU National Societies.

Watch the video dedicated to humanitarian emergencies:

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