Invasion of Ukraine: four more ambulances have arrived in the Lviv region from Great Britain
Ukraine: Lviv region has received another shipment of humanitarian cargo for the needs of medical facilities from Great Britain
Lviv: four ambulances donated to Ukraine by one of the UK hospitals
With the help of Polish colleagues from the Przemyśl ambulance station, they were taken to the Lviv Regional Centre for Emergency and Disaster Medicine.
From here the ambulances will head to places where the hot phase of the war with the Russian Federation continues.
In addition to the cars, medicines, medical equipment and chemical protection suits arrived in Ukraine as humanitarian aid.
The ambulance was delivered to Lviv thanks to the team of Wojewódzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowe w Przemyśl (this is the second such aid from the Poles in the last month) and the help of Medical Aid Ukraine – Northern Ireland Group and Medical Aid Ukraine.
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