Italy / Ministry of Health gives green light for third dose for elderly people, RSAs and health workers

Italy / Third dose to the elderly, nursing homes and health workers: as a ‘booster’ dose will be used any of the two m-RNA vaccines authorised in Italy (BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna)

Minister Speranza: “The administration of ‘booster’ doses of COVID-19 vaccine to people over 80, to staff and guests of residential care facilities for the elderly, to health professionals and health care workers starting with those aged 60 years and over or with concomitant pathology such as to be vulnerable to forms of severe COVID-19 or with high level of exposure to infection”

This was established by the Ministry of Health in a circular, “taking into account the AIFA determination and in line with the opinion expressed by the Scientific Technical Committee (Order of the Head of the Department of Civil Protection 751)”.

“Without prejudice to the priority of achieving a high vaccine coverage with the completion of the cycles currently authorized – reports the circular – it will be possible to proceed with the administration of booster doses of vaccine anti-SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 (as a booster after a primary vaccine cycle) in favor of the following categories”, as explained in more detail: – people aged 80 years – staff and guests of residential facilities for the elderly. – at a later date, a booster dose may also be offered to health professionals and health care workers who carry out their activities in public and private health, social and health care and social assistance facilities, in pharmacies, parapharmacies and professional offices, starting from those aged 60 years or with concomitant pathology that makes them vulnerable to forms of severe COVID-19 or with a high level of exposure to infection.

Third dose to the elderly, frail and healthcare workers: the two m-RNA vaccines authorised in Italy (BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna) will be used

“Regardless of the vaccine used for the primary cycle (Comirnaty, Spikevax, Vaxzevria, Janssen), considering the indications provided by AIFA’s technical-scientific commission, it will be possible for now – explains the ministry – to use as a ‘booster’ dose any of the two m-RNA vaccines authorised in Italy (Comirnaty by BioNTech/Pfizer and Spikevax by Moderna).

The booster dose should be administered at least six months after completion of the primary vaccination cycle.

In line with what has been highlighted by the CTS in the above-mentioned minutes – continues the circular – the strategy of administration of a ‘booster’ dose may also include subjects with high fragility due to concomitant/pre-existing diseases, subject to the opinion of the regulatory agencies.

The vaccination strategy – concludes the circular – in favour of further target groups or of the general population will instead be decided on the basis of the acquisition of new scientific evidence and epidemiological trends”.


“We are starting with the third dose for 80-year-olds, residents in nursing homes and healthcare personnel. Let’s immediately give more protection to the most fragile and to those who work in healthcare facilities.

This was stated by Health Minister Roberto Speranza as he left Siena, where he was taking part in an initiative with Enrico Letta.

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Agenzia Dire

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