Kherson, Russia fires on Red Cross: a young volunteer and a 39-year-old paramedic killed
The Russian army is shelling Kherson at an unsustainable pace and indiscriminately: aid workers are being targeted, and in the past few hours two members of the Ukrainian Red Cross have been killed
Shooting at the Red Cross (Ukraine): Kherson under Russian bombardment
Yesterday alone there were 54 bombings in the Kherson region.
Not targeted against strategic civilian structures, which would already be contrary to the international conventions to which Russia formally adheres, but against civilians and aid workers.
On the contrary, the latter are privileged targets both as targets and for looting.
In the past few hours, a young volunteer and a 39-year-old paramedic lost their lives as a result of a missile bombardment.
On these killings, President Francesco Rocca said: ‘A tragic day for the entire International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
We join the grief of the family, friends and colleagues of the Ukrainian Red Cross to whom we offer our deepest condolences’.
The lives of rescue workers in Kherson
Unfortunately, what happened to the two members of the Ukrainian Red Cross can be considered neither an accident nor a ‘side effect’ (whatever the expression means).
For six months, the rescuers in Kherson have been living with the Russian army, which has threatened them, forced them to remove flags, ransacked intervention vehicles and equipment, leaving only those that cannot be transported or are obsolete.
They took away everything from computer ram cards to fire hoses.
Despite the danger, emergency service workers remained in the city to put out the fires and help injured people.
Anton Alekseenko, head of the 2nd Fire and Rescue Unit of the State Emergency Service of the Kherson region, says: the worst thing is the repeated shelling.
‘We are putting out a fire and a bullet is flying at us.
It’s not so important what the area of the fire is.
It’s just that if there is repeated shelling, the guys who are already working under this shelling but could still perish from a machine gun,” said the DSNS officer.
The Russian soldiers looted property: of the 368 units of equipment that were in the Kherson garrison, the occupiers took away 331, says Kostiantyn Kozak, head of the Kherson Oblast State Emergency Service’s First Fire Rescue Unit.
“If computers are left, then in none of the computers, for example, is there a hard drive or RAM. Monitors, enclosures, gas and smoke protection devices.
Almost everything. They left what is very difficult to use, or an old model.” he says.
“The equipment that was taken away, stolen from the unit, the remaining equipment was in an unusable condition.
The boys already during this time restored two of the three pieces of equipment that had been broken with their own hands,’ added his colleague Anton Alekseenko.
In Italy and other countries, the expression ‘firing on the Red Cross’ is used as a synonym for cowardice, for the ability to commit unnecessarily cruel actions.
This is what the Russian army is doing in Kherson.
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