Moldova, Chișinău Fair transformed into a reception centre for refugees from Ukraine
Chișinău (Moldova) – the Moldexpo centre was transformed overnight into a refugee shelter. More than 100 people were housed here until midday
According to the capital’s authorities, another 20 people were accommodated in a hostel run by the Directorate of Youth Education and Sports on Ion Creanga Street, while around 40 others found shelter at the Ftiziopneomology Hospital.
Reception centre in Moldova: people tell with horror why she left everything and fled the war in Ukraine
“Last night we crossed the border at Palanca.
I came here with close friends who are with their families.
My whole family stayed in Ukraine, in Odessa.
Fortunately, we crossed the border quickly, but after crossing, we didn’t know where to stop.
They recommended us to come here, the car brought us here, and for now we will stay here, but what will happen next, we don’t know. ”
With tears in her eyes, the 24-year-old, who arrived at the Moldexpo Centre last night, said it was not easy for her to leave, but the fear of another attack made her mobilise.
She says she will stay here until the situation calms down and hopes that her family will also be able to cross the border soon.
Of course it was difficult to leave everything there, just take this bag and go.
“We just want peace, to go back home, back to our lives’.
The nightmare of the bombings in Ukraine is also what 31-year-old Constantine escaped from.
He took his girlfriend and crossed the border before the Ukrainian president announced a general mobilisation.
But their families stayed at home and the young men hope to see their loved ones one day.
“We were in Odessa and when there was another bombing there, we realised it could be even worse further away and decided to leave.
We quickly got together and left.
At the border the situation was tense, because a lot of time had passed and it was possible that we would be turned away.
There are dozens of people at the Moldexpo centre, who have abandoned their homes and taken the bare essentials and fled to Moldova to escape the war
“We came tonight because there have been several bombings in our locality.
Yesterday morning they blew up the military airport and we decided to leave our beloved country.
It is not by our own will. We didn’t plan it and we didn’t want it”.
People say they have been received very well: everything is organised and they have been provided with the bare necessities.
They did not expect such help, they say.
“Very organised, we have everything we need.
No demands, just a lot of gratitude to everyone who helps us.”
“They have welcomed us very well.
I am with my son who has asthma, I have problems.
But they welcomed us wonderfully, warmth, everything we needed.
At three o’clock in the morning when we arrived, we really wanted to sleep.
We had been travelling since yesterday, from 12 o’clock onwards”.
“They offered quite decent hotel conditions.
The temperature is OK, 24 degrees.
Refugees are housed, they are provided with blankets, medical services as needed, food three times a day.”
So far, more than 100 refugees from Ukraine have been hosted in the Moldexpo Centre in Chisinau, while more than 20 refugees are accommodated in a hostel of the Directorate of Youth Education and Sports in Ion Creanga Street, and another 40 people have found shelter in the Ftiziopneomology hospital.
The second pavilion of Moldexpo is currently being prepared for refugees, with a capacity of 500 persons, announced mayor Ion Ceban
Both the town hall and the Ministry of Finance also announced that accounts have been opened for humanitarian donations to support Ukrainians.
Ukrainian refugees arrive in Moldova: news video
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