Pfizer announces results of third-dose study: 'Higher antibodies against Delta variant'
Third dose of vaccine, Pfizer and BioNTech submit data to FDA: the two companies announce that the results of the phase 1 trial will also be submitted to the European Medicines Agency Ema in the coming weeks
Pfizer on third-dose of vaccine: “An additional booster within 6-12 months of the second dose helps maintain a high level of protection against Covid-19″
Pfizer and BioNTech announced in a statement that they had submitted initial data from their trial to the Food and Drug Administration (Fda) to support the evaluation of the third dose of the Covid vaccine for future authorisation of this booster in people aged 16 and over.
Pfizer and BioNTech report that initial data show a ‘significantly’ higher level of neutralising antibodies against the initial Sars-CoV-2 virus and the Beta and Delta variants in those who received an additional booster, compared to levels observed after two doses.
The two companies’ press release also states that the results of the phase 1 trial will also be presented to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and other regulatory bodies in the coming weeks.
Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla says: “Vaccination is our most effective means of preventing Covid-19 infection, particularly serious illness and hospitalisation, and its profound impact on protecting people’s lives is unquestionable”.
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