RCN Congress 2015, events programme and exhibitions
RCN Congress is where RCN members meet to learn, develop and share nursing practice. It is also where members inform the RCN agenda and influence nursing and health policy through debate.
This year Congress is being held in Bournemouth 21-25 June 2015. As well as visiting the exhibition, you’ll be able to attend a varied programme of events exploring topical issues, hear from experts and learn about innovations in practice. There will also be a wide range of social events providing a great opportunity to meet other nursing professionals and celebrate the achievements of the Congress week. Each day at Congress you’ll be able to read all the news from the previous day and see what events are happening by picking up the Congress Daily Bulletin. The newsletter is handed out each morning and available all day from distribution bins around the venue. Full sets can be collected from the Bulletin office at the end of the event. This year, for the first time, you will also be able to read the Congress Daily Bulletin on a new app. This will be downloadable for iPhone, iPad and android, more details to follow. You can also sign up to the E-bulletin for all of the latest Congress news on the main page here.
The three parts of Congress
1. The business agenda
Comprising debates and the Report of Council, the business agenda provides members with the opportunity to share their opinions and concerns with RCN council, and to influence the future work of the RCN.
2. The events programme
Including professional and personal development sessions, educational seminars, social and networking events, these lunchtime and evening sessions are invaluable learning opportunities.
3. The congress exhibition
The largest nursing exhibition in the UK, discover practice innovations and opportunities before they reach your workplace.
The RCN awards and RCN Foundation awards and bursaries
The awards ceremony takes place on Sunday at Congress. The RCN awards include RCN Fellowships, Awards of Merit and our Reps of the Year. You can read more about the awards at www.rcnfoundation.org.uk Take a look at a film of Congress 2014 as it happened, held in Liverpool.