Recession due to COVID-19, according to the UN we are back to 2014

The Human Development Index tells us that COVID-19 pandemic has brought a recession of 6 years in the whole world. Plus, poverty increased all over the world. Almost 70 million people more risk becoming even poorer than before.

It is Olivier De Schutter, the special speaker for the UN extreme poverty and human rights department. He affirmed the recession of the world because of COVID-19 at the special webinar entitled ‘Is poverty
necessary in the world to mitigate climate change? ‘

It has been organized on the occasion of Environment Day by the United Nations Convention to Combat the Desertification (UNCCD) – link to the official website at the end of the article -.

“The developing countries were by far the most affected in these months of lockdown”, highlighted Mr De Schutter. “The consequences of the crisis have affected more sectors, not since last is that of education, with the closure of schools “.

According to the special speaker, the pandemic caused the economic recession more serious than the Great Crisis of 1930. Mr De Shutter calculated that “Before the pandemic, people who suffered from extreme poverty were around 750 million. Now, another 70 million they risk sinking into this condition; in short, we will lose, with about 4 per cent of global GDP, many years in our fight”.


COVID-19 recession – READ MORE

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COVID-19 recession – RESOURCE

United Nations Convention to Combat the Desertification



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